Monday, September 10, 2007

John the Baptist Foretold

John the Baptist gives hope to the people. Evil, good, poor, rich, and all are accepted to be baptized by him in the Jordan river. He takes people and answers their questions of their sinful ways. He tells them how to set their course straight and then baptizes the people in the Jordan river to release them of their sins. He also baptizes Jesus and does not preech to be Christ. John had a blessed birth and was born to be an almost announcer for Jesus. John start Jesus' preachings to get people ready for his coming. John I feel was there to teach and kick off what Jesus came to do. John is here to teach of how no matter who you are you can be forgiven of the wrong that you have done and to change your ways and in the eyes of God you will become a loved one. People think that he is Christ and has come to free them from evil. He does nothing of the sort but teaches them not to do evil in the first place. The soldiers not to falsly accuse, the tax collectors not to collect more than they are suppose to and for those who have more give to the ones that have none. These teachings basically mean give to those that have none and do not become full of greed and be content will all that you have been blessed to have. The story also ends with the kings wife being mad at John and John being thrown in jail. This happens because John speaks the truth about the people in power and condem them of what they have done and all their followers. He is converting the people to not follow them anymore and these people try and shut him up. Just like they did with Jesus. Also his father announces to the people what his son will be. He is born with the power of God and comes with the blessing of God to come and preach the word of God. He is to come to this earth and bring Gods people back to him. John is a messenger of God and will teach people to want to be close to God and do the right thing.

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