Monday, October 8, 2007

Wicked Tenants Parable

I really don't understand the quote inside the parable because I am not used to reading such a out there quote like bible one's but I will do my best to interpret it. Too bad my only idea that I can think for this is sorta aligorizing. I will try and stay away from that sutphin. Ok the stone that the builders rejected would be that teachings of Jesus. I would say jesus but that is aligorizing too much and everything is about Jesus. So jesus' teachings for us to learn from parables is what the people that were of the upper class rejected because it made them look bad and look like down right assholes. This really was meant for those Jews against Jews. So What it is trying to say is that the upper class knows that the poorer people should be treated fairly when that are of the same religion and they know that they have done wrong so they try and forget about it. These teachings that jesus' told us tell us that those are the cornerstones of all of the societies beliefs that they should have. They lost all sense of treating people fairly and people need to finally see that they have oppressed their own people and start to treat each others and people should have what they were fairly given or at least have a fair amount to live off of since there is enough for everyone.

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