Sunday, November 18, 2007


# In the parable of the persistent widow Martin Collins begins to speak of another parable that Jesus teaches called, the parable of the persistent friend. After analyzing both there comes a conclusion more based from what is just written in the text that it is trying to teach the reader the power of prayer. It shows that no matter how a widow or friend may be in a bad spot they will always be protected by god. Now this seems of course ridiculous but sometimes we must find even the simple teachings that Jesus tried to convey rather than over analyzing. We find that prayer could be a simple answer. We see both low on the social ladder battling the hierarchy and proving themselves a true adversary.# According to Reverend Dr. Sam Cappleman we find that this parable is not to convey that we need to nag on God to have him answer our prayers but we need to be opened minded. We also are explained that this is told when the Jewish people are asking when the Kingdom of God will come and this is replied that the Kingdom is already here in each and every single one of us. We are the ones that show compassion to the ones that pray. We are the people that answer the prayers and prayers help us help others. We find people in need so we need to help those people in need to keep the Kingdom of God here on earth.# Herzog preaches that people who are consumed by power have finally given up the ability to care for one another. The judge is of the higherarchy so he has found no compassion for others who cannot influence the amount of power that he can have. The widow has been persistent to the judge which is unlike the common outcast of society. People have grown to allow themselves to hear the cries of the outcast of society and begin to have compassion for them.# Widow is feisty and frustrated. She can up set his selfish and vain world. Judge possibly scared to get black eye because he then would be taken as a joke. She is outside the system and he is a slave to it. Widow free while the judge is always paranoid about falling off his pedestal. People outside the system are in the Kingdom of God while judge is oppressed by it.# The corruption of the court made it the place or last resort to seek justice. Resolves disputes by meetings. Strongest are the best able to help themselves, weak defenseless are disadvantaged. Systems must work to reinforce the rights of those who are most powerful. Widow that she has no regard at all for social rules that would keep her invisible. Blow to the face to convey the metaphor for life’s sudden assaults and suffering. The widow could blacken the judges face by spreading rumors about him, namely that he could not hear her case as he was obliged to her adversary. Judge fears what may happen as widow comes in to him, not when she leaves.

# Martin G. Collins, “Parable of the Persistent Widow
(From Forerunner Commentary).”Jan. 2007. Bible Tools.

# The Reverend Dr. Sam Cappleman, “Sermon”. Oct. 27 1998. Church Online.

# Herzog..
# Herzog…
# Herzog….

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Parable documentation

1) Read the parable once, then carefully read each verse

2) Analyze each action, object, and person while thinking of how these images would be interpreted by Jesus’ followers. This is reading in between the lines and will expand the meaning of the story. It also will require some research.

3) What is the problem and how do the characters respond (or instigate) it? Pay close attention to the rich and powerful and how they abuse their power and expect too much out of the lower people.

4) Identify what the parable is about. What prompted Jesus to tell the story? What is Jesus saying about society and/or KoG and how does the problem need to be solved? How does it relate to our lives today (this isn’t yet the actual modern situation, but I think it helps to understand if you replace ancient images with modern ones. This might later help with identifying a modern situation though) apply the parable to a current event.

5) Identify a modern situation with similar characters and actions (learn a lot about it). What is the problem? How is/was it solved? What are its parallels? According to what Jesus’ message in the parable is, how should this problem be solved?

6) Study the behaviors or commonly accepted behaviors of the characters in the story. Also identify the core values/central idea of the parable.

7) Know your shit, make a killer presentation with costumes and props and videos, get A’s. But most importantly MAKE SURE YOU LEARNED SOMETHING!!!!!!!!

2)The earliest interpretation of a judge is found in the saying attached to the parable where he is called "a judge of unrighteousness/injustice." The judge's problem is "his inability to sense the evil of his actions in the presence of the one ego should make him ashamed." The parable depicts a widow who has avoided the customary Torah courts and has gone straight to Hellenistic judge, because she thinks that she can expedite her case in the administrative court. Property means, disputes arise out of loans, inheritances, sales and the like. Because the claimant is identified as a widow, it makes sense to infer that her case concerns her inheritance rights. Scott takes the description seriously because it marks the judge as one of the urban elite. A widow was in a particularly vulnerable situation, and for that very reason, she was a target for exploitation. We think that Jesus is talking to the people who don't have good faith and the ones who are inpatient when praying to God.

3) The problem Jesus is trying to state is that people in power will think they will always stay in power but the people in power are so arrogant that even if the spotlight is upon them they still won't concede to people beneath them.

4) Then He told His disciples the story of the persistent widow. His point was that if even a corrupt judge could eventually be persuaded by the persistence of a widow, someone without standing or influence in their day, how much more likely would the Lord be to respond to the persistent prayers of his followers. The background for this parable is found in chapter 17. "When will the Kingdom come?" some had asked. In response the Lord told them that one day soon they would long to see one of His days (days like this one when He was with them) but would not see it. First He had to suffer and die. Then there would be a succession of false Messiahs and still it wouldn't be time. But when He finally did come it would be suddenly and it would catch many people off guard. They would have given up and stopped praying. Jesus is saying that society. The judge prefers to favor her adversary (either the adversary is influential or he has paid bribes). The parable poses a dilemma. A desperate widow is caught in the usual power play accompanying her husband's death, and she is further enmeshed in the complexities of a Torah court. At first glance she appears hopeless. Everyone knows that the court will decide in favor of the party offering the most appropriate emolument that is bribe. Her reward is justice at the gate. She was able to analyze her limit situation and design a limit action that broke the spell of inevitability cast by the ruling elites. You have to be persistent in your faith and not just

5) Homeless people have always been there but their numbers are starting to grow so now it's starting to be a problem that the wealthy can't ignore any longer. Now the wealthy have had to deal with the situation by paying taxes since the problem is too large to ignore. And just like the parable homeless people are always asking or are in need of help and are persistent when wanting help.

6) People who are consumed by power have finally given up the ability to care for one another. The judge is of the higherarchy so he has found no compassion for others who cannot influence the amount of power that he can have. The widow has been persistent to the judge which is unlike the common outcast of society. People have grown to allow themselves to hear the cries of the outcast of society and begin to have compassion for them.


The parable of the widow and the judge presents two characters and at least two intertwined social systems that bring the characters together. The earliest interpretation of a judge is found in the saying attached to the parable where he is called "a judge of unrighteousness/injustice." The judge is beyond shame; neither son spell to God's justice nor an appeal to human need can evoke a sense of shame. AS Bailey sees it, the judge's problem is "his inability to sense the evil of his actions in the presence of the one ego should make him ashamed." These uniformly censorious descriptions do raise questions about what setting is imagined in the parable that the judge is and how he got to be a judge in the first place. Derrett believes that the parable depicts a widow who has avoided the customary Torah courts and has gone straight to Hellenistic judge, because she thinks that she can expedite her case in the administrative court. Therefore, this reading of the parable takes the judge t obeys a Torah judge in the customary courts. Scott takes the description seriously because it marks the judge as one of the urban elite. While it is inherently more probable that Torah adjudicators would have been located in urban areas rather than in the nucleated villages, it is not clear that they were found only in major cities. Herbert Danby interprets property to mean, "disputes arise out of loans, inheritances, sales and the like.” Because the claimant is identified as a widow, it makes sense to infer that her case concerns her inheritance rights. A widow was in a particularly vulnerable situation, and for that very reason, she was a target for exploitation. This may explain why the widow was the subject of such a concern in the Torah and Prophets. God promises to hear the voices of the widows and orphans as surely as God heard the cry of the people in Slavery in Egypt. In light of the material on the role of law in agrarian societies, the hiatus between the justice of the Torah and t he practical workings of everyday injustice may be clearer. Bailey believed that the parable makes the following three assumptions: 1. the widow is in the right (and being denied justice) 2. For some reason the judge does not want to serve her (she has paid no bribes?)3. The judge prefers to favor her adversary (either the adversary is influential or he has paid bribes). The parable poses a dilemma. A desperate widow is caught in the usual power play accompanying her husband's death, and she is further enmeshed in the complexities of a Torah court. At first glance she appears hopeless. Everyone knows that the court will decide in favor of the party offering the most appropriate emolument that is bribe. Her reward is justice at the gate. She was able to analyze her limit situation and design a limit action that broke the spell of inevitability cast by the ruling elites.

The problem is that the core does not seem to have any meaning w/o them(characters). The judge is giving into a pestering widow who has worn him down is hardly deep or novel.
3 structures of sorts to the attached applications...exclamation: "listen to what the unjust Judge says!"....2 rhetorical ?'s: "and will not God grant justice to his chosen ones who cry out to him day and night?" "will he delay long in helping them?".....emphatic pronouncement: "I tell you, he will quickly grant justice to them."
The prospects of her visits makes the judge finally give in. If the parable gives the lesson that God answers prayers swiftly, why would the judge ever give the widow what she wants. Joseph Fitzmyer's character analysis: the judge is irresponsible and dangerous person. The author of the parable expected the listeners to percieve the judge in a completely negative way as devoid of both pretas and humanitas. are believed to have been jealous or greedy people in a previous life. ... Pretas dwell in the waste and desert places of the earth. Humanitas includes humanism and humanitarianism.
Judicial system was closed circle of ambitious elites whose attentions were trained on amassing greater wealth and increasing personal pretige. Judges corruption went w/o public dennciation. Ambition motivated judges especially lower level judges. Lowly judges needed powerful friends. Non elites (widows) outside wealthy/prestigious circle. Widows > justice often denied > VULNERABLE. the widow is shameless. Her continual coming brings about indication-not the justice of her cause or the judges humor. Womens "Natural Condition" belonged in the domestic private sphere of the home, not in the public male domain of the courts. Roman culture > intolerant in womens involvement in the courts. Widow=BOLD.
The corruption of the court made it the place or last resort to seek justice. Resolves disputes by meatings. Strongest are the best able to help themselves, weak defenseless are disadvantaged. Systems must work to reinforce the rights of those who are most powerful. Widow that she has no regard at all for social rules that would keep her invisible. Blow to the face to convey the metaphor for lifes sudden assults and suffering. The widow could blacken the judges face by spreading rumours about him, namely that he could not hear her case as he was obliged to her adversary. Judge fears what may happen as widow comes in to him, not when she leaves.
Widow meek and humble. Treatment of widow is conventional. Widow is socially weak. Judge fears acts of violence by woman. Really he just deals with her so she stops whining to him. Widow actions startling, boldly facing the judge. Judge not scared, he simple wants to rid her.
Widow is fiesty and frustrated. She can up set his selfish and vain world. Judge possibly scared to get black eye b/c he then would be taken as a joke. She is outside the system and he is a slave to it. Widow free while the judge is always paranoid about falling off his pedistool. People outside the system are in the Kingdom of God while judge is oppressed by it.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

System Examples

Country Wide people feel that they have no connection with what is happening to the person that they are taking everyone thing away from and are getting what they need. When people get what they need they feel no need to really care about other no matter what situation the other person is in. We are selfish type of people and we do whatever the system tells us to do. We abide by the rules and what the authority of the system tells us what to do because it take too much effort in our minds to really do anything effective.

Sunday, October 28, 2007


The thought of having pleasures and a life of prestige fills our mind with this thought of having it all to obtain this feeling. We will do anything that we can to keep this feeling and the life that comes along with it because we are selfish people worry about number 1, ourselves. We don't mean to screw other people over on purpose but to keep and obtain this life style most of the systems have been designed to protect that life style for those that will do anything for it. These systems have been built for the rich, the people with these pleasures, and the people that will do anything to keep and or obtain that life style because everyone wants it but to have it others must be below you because everyone can't live it. Systems have been made to keep the people on the bottom down and the people on the top on top. The system is run by the people on top so of course they will not let the people on the bottom up so they can stay on top. Our society has made it to where if someone comes up another goes down. So the people on top can't let the people on the bottom because they can't all be equal for some reason so if the people on bottom where to come up the people on top would become the bottom which is the poor and hard life that does not involve all those pleasures that make our lives to enjoyable and easy.

Systems are a theory and idea that provide benefits, they have rules, they have authority to enforce these rules, they also provide security, and with the faults in humans ignorance is the fault of the system itself. We can not take the position to blame the people that are in the system because they screw up but blame the system. The system is a theory it isn't real but the idea is what is real. The people part of the system comply with what the system asks them to do. The system sets everyone up to fight against each other to be on the top. The system is what makes people turn on each other because it gives an ultimatum. You can either be high or be low on the system and everyone will choose high. Now of course there are those few that will not comply with the system but for the most part they will. The theory of the system is what people live by and this is why the system is corrupt. It brings out the bad in people and works off of that because there is the need for authority and people fight and push people down to get up to that authoritative position so they themselves will not be the ones to be pushed down.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Unmerciful Servant

The parable that Jesus tells is about all of Jews that beg for forgiveness but betray others when they are the ones that need to give the forgiveness. These people have done horrible things beyond imagine and yet they beg for forgiveness and others forgive them. Once they have been forgiven they ignore the graces that have been given to them and they betray and do not forgive others for the most petty things and you should think of the grace people have given you and be grateful and offer it to others. No one should keep hatred...they should forgive and move on.

The main character is actually the Unmerciful Servant. The idea of the whole story derives from his actions. This story is meant to teach people the need for forgiveness and the amount that you should show. 77 times is just a number to show an infinite number of times that you are to forgive the people that do you wrong. The Unmerciful Servant is this idea of a regular Jew going and betraying the grace that has been given to him and also going against the law of God and betraying a fellow Jew. This servant ignores the great debt that he has been forgiven and does not have to pay any longer and begins to harrass a fellow Jew over a small amount of money and not just asks for the money he chokes the fellow Jew for it. Once he begs for forgiveness just like he himself had done just earlier to get out of a huge debt he calls the soldiers over and has the man thrown in jail until he could pay. This is rediculous since this should have happened to him if anyone.

The master may have been a man of god and knew that he should not oppress his fellow Jew. So after he had acted hastily by saying that his family be sold and their things to pay back the and then the servant told him he would pay the master finally agreed that he did not need the money that bad to ruin a fellow mans life. He cancelled the debt because he knew that he should treat people with forgiveness when asked for it and show like this man did that he would in time pay back the debt but the master was so rich that he cancelled it and lifted a great weight off the servants shoulders.

The servant does not follow the example of the king because when he got away with that he totally forgot about it. He thought ok I got out of this there is no need to lend that same slack to anyone else so I will get mine and get ahead. So he saw who owed him money and basically since things were rought back then he shook him down for the money and since he couldnt pay he wasnt gunna let him get away so he got him thrown in jail until he could pay. Things were tough back then and even though someone gave you slack you tried to get more and didn't give your own slack.

The kingdom of god is a place where God will forgive you no matter what but you too must show the forgiveness that god shows you. You cant take and not give or you will know the suffering that you put others through and sometimes worst. Respect the people around you and you will live a good life. You will be forgiven for a large large amount and you are asked to only forgive for a small amount so at least do that after you are forgiven for something so big and give people a chance like you yourself got and you will be fine. If you don't you will learn your lesson the hard way.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Israel Summary

How does the United States support Israel?

The United States supports Israel more than any other country! This country is fine off by itself because it is not a 3rd world country and can stand on its own two feet. The united states give Israel around 1.3 billion dollars in aid for whatever Israel sees fit to use it for. On top of that we give them around 2billion dollars for military use. We also give other countries money like this but possbily not as much and they can not buy from themselves or someone else. We allow Israel to buy weapons from themselves and from other countries while we let no other country to do that who we lend money to. We also make avaliable to them the most advanced weapons that we have. Maybe not the best and most secret but we provide them with advanced weapons. Israel has also been very contriversal to the world as they discuss in worldly meetings at the United Nations meetings. We defend Israel in what they do while no other country tries and argue against us.

Why is Bush not so involved like Clinton was?

Mainly a fact is that Clinton cared about bringing peace to the middle east while Bush not so much. Bush has gone into a war and although in a war he has been taking oil from the middle east. The United States is using that oil and going on with everyday life. Clinton really wanted to see the middle east have peace and progress while Bush is in it for the economic gain. We just go about our buisness and unlike Clinton who pressed for peace, Bush just walks past and ignores trying to fix things because he thinks it's their country so they should find peace among themselves. This is sorta true but they seem to not be able to do that so we do need to intervene.

What is Bushs' policy in the middle east?

After 9/11 the government tried to end all connection with the middle east government and tried to not be connected to it at all. We went in and invaded. From their we were about getting the oil and going on with out lives. It was fine because we called it the war on terror which allowed us to invade and get the oil. We don't really care about peace we just want the economic gains. The government proposed and idea but it was shot down. Since then nothing has really happened and we have broken many ties with Israel.

Sunday, October 14, 2007


Part 3:

Part 3 explains about the state of the Jews and Arabs under Britian. This explains how Jews were not allowed during the holocaust but they tried to get in after WW2 was over. Then Britian gave up Palistine and after that they gave it to the UN who just was made the same year. Then Isralies took over most of the lad and Palistinians left because Jews were taking over the land. Then they said that possibly the Arab government told the Palistines to leave. War broke out and fighting began in the streets.

Part 4:

There was a 6 day war and the united states then came in. Israel was surrounded by Arab states. They were trying to push Israel into the sea. Israel struck first but was defensive. Israel had to prove that they tried everything other than war. Israel attacked egypt from air and on land and egypt was crushed. Israel took over the old city and most religious places. After 6 day war Arab could not seek arratication from map. Both sides claimed the land as their own.

Part 5:

Egypt attacked back because Israel had taken over their land. They find that they just keep attacking back and forth so no one ever always keeps the land. Also the pilistinians were not in this war. Egypt and Israel finally said they needed to make an agreement. This did not please the Arabs so they were mad. Israel would not let the palistinians be in the political. Carter brought them to the white house and they discussed and finally agreed so their would be no more fighting. Palistinians were mad because the egyptians betrayed them and they were not thought about when making this agreement. Palistianians made a huge uprising to get rid of Israel.

Part 6:

Palistinians in west bank and gaza confronted israel with stones and words. Palistinians were asking how long israel would make it so they had no state. Israel kept Jewish taking on palistinians land. Israel army truck ran into Palistinians and killed some palsitinians and this started this uproar. Israel finally thought they should leave the west bank and gaza. Israel and Palistinians brought self government peace treaty called the oslo on the white house lawn. This didn't work because when they thought they got a state they finally understood they did not. Leader assasinated and later another riot broke out 6 years later when they all knew the oslo was not into effect anymore this would be the worst riot ever.

Part 7:

Second intafada came. Raham ashrafi was visited by sharron. Palistinians didnt like this visit and started to attack police. 18% only by Palistinians and rest by israel. Bombs set off to kill oslo promise. Oslo needed to freeze the israli settlements. All presented agreements are not good and neither side will agree. Guirilla attacks keep happening. Arial Sharron launched full scaled israel attack. Neither side will change their views.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Wicked Tenants Parable

I really don't understand the quote inside the parable because I am not used to reading such a out there quote like bible one's but I will do my best to interpret it. Too bad my only idea that I can think for this is sorta aligorizing. I will try and stay away from that sutphin. Ok the stone that the builders rejected would be that teachings of Jesus. I would say jesus but that is aligorizing too much and everything is about Jesus. So jesus' teachings for us to learn from parables is what the people that were of the upper class rejected because it made them look bad and look like down right assholes. This really was meant for those Jews against Jews. So What it is trying to say is that the upper class knows that the poorer people should be treated fairly when that are of the same religion and they know that they have done wrong so they try and forget about it. These teachings that jesus' told us tell us that those are the cornerstones of all of the societies beliefs that they should have. They lost all sense of treating people fairly and people need to finally see that they have oppressed their own people and start to treat each others and people should have what they were fairly given or at least have a fair amount to live off of since there is enough for everyone.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

"Letter to Senator."

Dear Representative,

I find it to be in the best interest that you and your party support these following bills, for the best and moral interest of all human beings: Education for All Act, Global Child Survival Act, Growth Act, Jubilee Act. These bills help promote the education, well-being, and supportiveness of those in need.
The Education for All Act intends to make sure all people have the right and ability to have a basic education. We can only try and support all people in the education area to help everyone become successful. Education is something to not be taken lightly because you have only taken your position in office due to your own education. So let us help everyone to have that ability to help the world and be able to make something of themselves.
The Global Child Survival Act will saves so many lives which such little necessities. It plans to be able to provide medication that can save numerous lives. With this act there won't be millions of people dying every year just because they didn't have medication that is common to you and me. We will be able to provide life for children every where and stop this senseless dying that can be prevented easily.
The Growth Act helps the women of this nation to be equal to men. We have segregated ourselves long enough and the women of this nation need the ablility to have the same opportunites as men. This act will be hard to enforce upon buisnesses but is needed. We have had many women that do very effective things like Hilary Clinton. If we put this act into effect we will be able to see what other great things women can do.
The Jubiliee Act also helps put into effect the regulations of harmful wastes that pollute our world. We need to think right now about our world and what it will be like in 10 years or 20 years. We need to start into effect to clean up the world and stop the pollution for the generations to come. This act also helps countries to stay out of debt. We do not want ocuntries that just came out of debt to go back into debt. Although this may cause some desperation I am sure that the safeguards will prevent any type of need for loans from other countries.

Christopher Dagenbach

"The Mustard Weed."

The mustard seed shows us that once there is good in the world we find it to spread as fast as it can and it is almost physically impossible for the kingdom of god to be destroyed. Good things that go out into the world just keep going from each person and keeps getting passed and it's a never ending chain. When someone is nice to you then you are going to be in a good mood and nice to someone else. We all help each other and only good can come from that.

Monday, September 24, 2007

"DP 2: What Should We Do?"

We as a class should do what each of us feel like doing.....due to that fact that we shouldn't be obligated but, be controlled by our morals. Some of us can be selfish humans just like all the rest and just look past the suffering of the African people. Some of us can and want to give those few dollars a week and save people from extreme poverty. I believe that the arguments of everyone living with basic necessities is totally possible, but we need to help those that can't help themselves. I think we should get a jar going in class and raise money. One day out of the week people donate money in the jar if they feel like it. We save money and immediately we send that money to help people in extreme poverty. I would say save it up and then send a large amount but each day 22,000 die from extreme poverty. Maybe with our money each week we can make it 21,999. That’s like saving me or you and I for one think that’s pretty kickass. So lets not wait and get something going. We need to brainstorm on who we will use to get our money to Africa that will have the most effect. Not all organizations are as generous as the rest so we should pick the best that will make the most of our money actually get to the Africa people. We should start this soon. Everyday we wait that’s just a few more lives.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

"Executive Summary on Africa."

In the world there are people that do fine and some that suffer which brings us to a simple conclusion, the people that are fine should help out the suffering. The world produces more than enough and there is enough to go around to make sure no one is in extreme poverty, so why is there poverty? We humans are greedy and self indulging. Life, life of the poor calls us, the people better off, to step up and take control to help these people on their feet. We have moral obligations to ourselves to make it so that 22,000 people do not die per day due to extreme poverty when it only takes us 1 pecent of our income to save them all. Everyone needs to come together and help. That 1 percent of our income is 1 less of a luxury to save a life. Penny's a day from us all will saves thousands of lives a year. So we need to take the time and really think, is that extra luxury worth more than a human life? Do you consider that soda a day is valued as much as your life? I feel that everyone can live without that extra luxury each time and just limit it to a few times so that we can give up that 1 percent that doesn't really change our lives but makes a enourmous dramastic change in someone elses life. Those people did not ask to be in their situation and have no control over what happens and yet we do. So we need to help since we have been given the ability to help. Do I drink a soda or save a human life? I think I will hold off on the soda those few times outta the week and help take someone out of extreme poverty. So lets all save our money, those few dollars a week, and save a life.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

"Portfolio 2: Singer on Poverty."

1. Are we obligated to give to others around the world or do you focus on your kin the people around you?

2. How much inequality do we tolerate?

3. Don't we need rewards to people to work which create greed which allow people to have a chance to help others?

4. Would others need help if everyone was equal and there were no rewards which created no greed and everyone just lived by doing the same and helping or can not everyone do the same and do we help those that can't do as much and don't have the ablility to?

5. What are the reasons that we are to help.....obligated?....moral?....or what phylisophical?

6. Would you give half your stuff to help people that are dying and don't have anything when you could live with half your stuff and be alright? Why or why not?

7. Why should you give up your EXTRA luxury to help someone you will never see or meet?

8. Is giving to someone a luxury by knowing you saved a women in Africa?

9. Since we made our government for our own benefit why should we over extend ourselves and care about these other countrys that need to have their governments do the same. Do we help people that don't know how to help themselves or is that their problem?

10. Should state soverienty be diminished for the good of the world?

11. How do poor become poor?

"Portfolio 2: Good Samaritan Interpretation,"

In this story we see fellow people in the same tribe basically ignore someone that has been beaten and on their way to death if no help is given to him by someone else. This Samaritan finds compassion for this beaten person and gives him help. The other two felt as if they were so high on the social ladder that they could not be bothered to help and ignored the pain and suffering. The second part is that the lawyer admits to the Samaritan as being the good neighbor which is a break through. Jesus has seen the division among his people and wants to show them that who you are doesn't make you a person of God but your actions do. Jesus' solution is to give compassion to all and live with the thought that everyone is your neighbor and you are everyones. There is no separation between people.

Monday, September 10, 2007

John the Baptist Foretold

John the Baptist gives hope to the people. Evil, good, poor, rich, and all are accepted to be baptized by him in the Jordan river. He takes people and answers their questions of their sinful ways. He tells them how to set their course straight and then baptizes the people in the Jordan river to release them of their sins. He also baptizes Jesus and does not preech to be Christ. John had a blessed birth and was born to be an almost announcer for Jesus. John start Jesus' preachings to get people ready for his coming. John I feel was there to teach and kick off what Jesus came to do. John is here to teach of how no matter who you are you can be forgiven of the wrong that you have done and to change your ways and in the eyes of God you will become a loved one. People think that he is Christ and has come to free them from evil. He does nothing of the sort but teaches them not to do evil in the first place. The soldiers not to falsly accuse, the tax collectors not to collect more than they are suppose to and for those who have more give to the ones that have none. These teachings basically mean give to those that have none and do not become full of greed and be content will all that you have been blessed to have. The story also ends with the kings wife being mad at John and John being thrown in jail. This happens because John speaks the truth about the people in power and condem them of what they have done and all their followers. He is converting the people to not follow them anymore and these people try and shut him up. Just like they did with Jesus. Also his father announces to the people what his son will be. He is born with the power of God and comes with the blessing of God to come and preach the word of God. He is to come to this earth and bring Gods people back to him. John is a messenger of God and will teach people to want to be close to God and do the right thing.

Sunday, September 9, 2007


Jesus had moved and came from family with nothing. Jesus lived a hard life and so did his family. Most likly his family stuck together and fought hard to get by. This hardship could have made Jesus very strong and feel for the poor and not ignore them in his teachings rather than take the side of the rich. Jesus was about his teachings and not about the teachings that would make him someone in the eyes of the rich. His mission changed to try and bring equality to society back then and show everyone that no one should be an outcast. Not the rich, the poor, or the wounded should be shuned from society and everyone should be forgiven for what they have done. Jesus lived in a community with different teachings than what his parents probably taught which probably confused him of what he should believe in. His family or the people around him. This could on make him stronger giving him a broader view on beliefs and help him understand more people even though it being hard on him.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Who's Your Momma

I believe that Mary was the ideal woman. She was the ideal woman in the sense that she was pure. She was pure of sin. This is what the bible tells us about Mary. I think that she stand for what humans should be. They should be kind, loving, and willing to sacrifice themselves for the good of others. It is hard for me to believe about all the Jesus stuff but it's good that people have something to believe in. So I can't go much further than this. Mary was a woman of the "teachings" of Jesus. She lived them even before Jesus and being "contacted" by God.

The first story tells alot about who Mary was. She was a faithful person that believed good comes to those who follow their faith. She traveled and proclaimed the word of God without worry of looking like a crazy woman. How many people would proclaim something like that and actually believe it. You can feel her emotion in the first story. As for the second story it does not relate to Mary. It only talks about Joesph and his same type of undying faith to the Lord.

Who am I to say why God would choose such a woman. I could suspect that he chose Mary because she was young and had not yet been pregant. She also had faith in her God more than any other woman. Most women would have not wanted the child being scared of being found out and stoned to death. She was not. She took the child on and proclaimed it. Then Joseph was a nice man that was going to let her live but after him speaking to an angel in a dream he also stayed with Mary and became loyal to god. Mary's faith would be what truly brought salvation to the world or maybe perhaps any other girl could have been chosen. Who knows....

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

“A Family of Freedom Fighters.”

Naomi had two sons and Ruth and her sister married those men. 10 years later their husbands died. Naomi had no one and couldn't not support anyone so she decided to go back to her home town bethlehem. Ruth forced herself on Naomi and went with her while the other sister stayed behind. Naomi told her not to because she had no more sons. Ruth believed so much in the Jewish teaching and converted to be a Jew. Ruth would go in the fields and glean to feed herself and her mother-in-law Naomi. Seeing how hard she was working Boez wanted to marry her but the next in line to have the right to marry her was another Kingsmen. The other had to say that he could not take care of Ruth so Boez married Ruth. Ruth bore a child Jesse and Jesse had King David. King David was related to Lord Jesus so Ruth is an ancestor or Lord Jesus.
Ruth was known as a kind person. She is known as a true converter. She practiced her Jewish teachings and also people look up to her. She believed the teachings in her heart.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

"Portfolio 1: What I think I can Achieve."

I am sure I can achieve an A! I am a very confident person and can express my ideas quiet well now. Also when I put my mind to something and actually try(like I plan on doing) I always do good and achieve what I set out for and won't let andything stop me. All I have to do it try and the job is done!

Portfolio 1: Who is Jesus, Really?"

To me Jesus taught how to live life ethically. What is great about Jesus is he used stories to teach people how to act in such a way. He made people think really about what the story meant. They weren't just stories because the point of these stories were the morals of them. Jesus wanted everyone to treat each other with dignity and show that no one is better than anyone else. He also wanted to give people something to have hope in. He wanted to give the people something that couldn't be taken away by anyone else. Even though I don't believe the stories were true they did just have the purpose of getting a point across like teaching people to be nice to each other. He also used stories to make it so the sick were not casted out of society by having stories told of how he healed a lepard or other things of that standing. I believe in his ethical teachings but I don't believe in the religious part of him being the son of the christian god. I know all of his stories are most likly false but I will belive in the meaning of his teachings. So I am a follower of Jesus in the sense that I try to live ethically. I will say that trying to live in such a way is not easy. I live as best as I can trying to not judge anyone and try to not look down on them. I am only human and do give into making fun of people and doing some non-ethical things.

Story Time

The story that is passed down through my whole family is when I went to Canada and all hell broke loose. Down here in the States I live a good life and I am safe but once up in Canada that all changed. I lived in the worst part of Canada. The 3rd day I was there the block was shut down because their was a murder across the street. I was like wow this is pretty crazy I am in for a real trip since I was going to be there for 4 weeks. So the days went on....but my family up there made it fun. I mean there were crack heads on every corner but my famliy made me learn to not be scared and just learn to laugh about it. Some of the people were hysterical and their actions were quite funny but their situation wasn't. I was out every night up at the bar from about 8 to 12 am. Each day was fun and I had a blast. Even though it was kinda grimy and my living conditions were crap I still had fun and probably the most fun I have ever had. Even though I was exposed to partying, drinking, smoking, and all that good stuff I had no pressure in trying any and just had fun watching others do it. All I learned was even if bad things happen around you and things arn't up to par the place can acutally feel more like home and you can enjoy yourself more than ever before. I was pretty surpirsed and wouldn't trade those experiences for anything in the world!